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POIDS LÉGER (Original title)
Date: 2004 (Release)

Country: France

Director: Jean-Pierre Améris

Synopsis: Young, lightweight boxer Antoine is the star of the amateur club where he trains in the evening. By day he works in funeral parlour. Tormented and unstable, boxing - and even his love affair with Su - are not enough to channel his energies. To get in touch with life, he will have to confront his own destructive impulses...

Credits (8)
Production Company: Pan-Européenne Production, Screenplay: Jean-Pierre Améris, Director of Photography: Jerôme Pion, Photography: Séverine Barde, Editor: Katya Chelli, Production Designer: Nicholas Chik, Music: Doctor L.
Cast (6)
Nicolas Duvauchelle, Bernard Campan, Mai Anh Le, Sophie Quinton, Frédéric Gorny, Elisabeth Commelin
Articles held in BFI Reuben Library (3)
In: Premiere n328 June 2004  Page: 42
Title: Cahier critiqueAuthor: [S.L.] Article type: CreditsLanguage: French

In: Cannes Film Festival Catalogue v57th May 12-23, 2004  Page: 113
Title: [Cannes Film Festival Catalogue - v57th May 12-23, 2004: no known title]Article type: CreditsLanguage: French
Description: Credits include production/distributor/sales contact details

In: Positif n520 June 2004  Page: 42
Title: De A à Z notes sur les films: POIDS LÉGERAuthor: DE BRUYN, Olivier Article type: ReviewLanguage: French